cg53 100merry Christmas Eve, everyone!  Busy busy day!  Diana’s family is in town.  Yay!  I had a big blog post that I wanted to write, but I can’t remember what it is about.

OH WAIT.  I remember.

So when I first bought my ipad, actually when Diana bought it for me as an engagement present, I wanted it so that I could draw on it as a cheap cintiq.  It did not deliver, I didn’t realize just how un-intuitive it is to draw without pressure sensitivity, and while I could fool around with a drawing for like a couple hours to make it look like something half-decent, it was a huge waste of time compared to drawing on my laptop with my (at the time) bamboo tablet.  Then I upgraded to a medium intous5, and I love it so much more.  Anyways, Adobe just did (or maybe did a long time ago and I just never noticed) a HUGE update to their “adobe ideas” program… and it is now an incredible drawing tool.  It has a pretty intuitive line width guessing algorithm in the brush tool, and i am making some pretty clean looking art!  Tomorrow, along with the comic, i’ll post a “merry christmas” picture and i’ll draw it in this program to show yah!

Anyhoo, peace out people.  peace and joy.



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