It’s the SECOND WEEK of Go Go Mach Rocket Sheep’s weekly post, where I take everything I put up on social media and gather it here for your reading pleasure. The idea is that I’ll carve a bit more time to do a proper blog post, as well as having the comics and whatever videos I ended up making in one place- that way, you can sign up with your email to follow this site, and no dang algorithm will determine what you will or won’t see! You’ll get ALL the comics! BOO YAH.

Odd- these comics did not upload to this page in the proper order. That’s okay though, it’s not like these need to be read “in order”. In fact, if I didn’t mention anything, I’m sure nobody would have noticed- but here we are. Now everyone will know.

For so long with webcomics, they said “update every day! update every day!” and now they say “If you miss an update here or there, nobody will notice… It’s just one of a million things people scroll by and don’t pay attention too. So make sure that whatever you put out there is really good, and work hard to be really good as regularly as you can.” I like that and I’ve been trying to break myself of the need to make a comic every day just cause “that’s what a webcomicer does!” Especially when life gets busy, and these days life is ALWAYS busy, its nice to know that I can just breathe and relax and put out some good stuff. I sorta psych myself out of comic making by getting anxious about update schedules. I’m feeling much better now as a cartoonist that I’ve finally broken myself of that urgent habit (a totally self-inflicted habit! It’s not like I had a newspaper to submit them too).

If you’re on instagram, follow me there to get the comics and videos in your insta feed! If you’re on facebook you could follow my page there too. It’d be great to meet yah in those spheres! Thanks so much for reading!


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