Here we are, another week of updates! As life gets busier, I anticipate I won’t be able to make as many comic strips in a week, but so far the opposite has proved true: the busier I am, the more ideas I have to make into comic strips. My class officially starts back up this week so it may be optimistic to think I can keep up 5-7 strips a week. PLUS! Oh man, I want to make a choose your own adventure book! So bad. So if I start that, you can expect to see some progress shots here!

Seriously, what a stupid program! “We’re gonna NOT do this really good thing for the environment unless you use our loyalty card.” It’s like… You’re still getting money, so maybe you should just do it anyways? People who are loyal to gas stations?? that’s a strange idea to me.

On real Kraft boxes, the serration doesn’t even go through the second layer of cardboard, it’s just superficially scored on the first layer. What’s the point?!

Other than making all those comics, this week I spent a little time making a new “vine brush”. There are some things that I enjoy drawing, and there are some things that are tedious. I’m not big on drawing backgrounds for example- some of my friends LIVE for backgrounds but that is not me. Anyways, when that is the case, I like to make brushes like this vine brush to help lighten the load of how long it takes to draw backgrounds. In the “Royalbot” comic, the background crowd in panel three is a “crowd brush” I made. Instead of drawing and having a line come out of the stylus, you pull the pen across the screen and voila! A crowd (or vines, or cityscape, or or or) appears. I’ve made quite a few of these in Clip Studio. They can be a time saver, but they aren’t for any and every situation.


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