The dramatic title is pure clickbait, let me assure you. I’ll still update the blog when I have stuff to update it with, but I’m just so dang busy that I haven’t had time to do it consistently! So it’ll be a bit sporadic from here-on-out. Wouldn’t you rather have a meaningful post here and there instead of regular incoherent ramblings? I know I would!

For posterity’s sake, here’s all the videos I’ve made that I forgot to post a write-up on (hah!)

First up is a video about drawing pirates to kick off the spooky October season! People are obsessed with Halloween. That’s fine. I don’t share the obsession. But I DO like drawing, and ‘pirate’ is a classic halloween go-to. So, Easy, Medium, and Hard mode Pirates! Next:

A Shel Silverstein video, as requested by my good friend Clayton Willms. This is probably the art video I’m most proud of because I rant at length about why I think cartoonists are incredible. This is probably as close to a video essay as I’ve ever gotten- it isn’t a typical video for me at all. And, in a fun twist, instead of going from ‘simple to complex’ we go from ‘complex to simple’ because I do thoroughly believe that is the task set before the cartoonist. Iconic over Realistic any day, baby!!! And then:

Nothing too crazy about this one, except that it is just cute and fun.

I also made some comics:

I also joined the volunteer team of one of the college’s literary magazine’s visual arts editorial people. Hopefully you might see some of my comics in their publication, as well as maybe the odd illustration here and there! I’ll be sure to link the publication once it’s out. Here’s one of my (self-rejected) concept cartoons I made for them:

I also, just today, and utterly unexpectedly, got the opportunity to present a big video I worked on for a group project. I post it here simply so I can find it more easily in the future. If you feel like hearing me mispronounce ‘nomenclature’ twice, as well as learning about what Grade 5 students are supposed to learn in two areas in the social studies curriculum in the province of saskatchewan, well, be my guest. There’s a VERY large chance it won’t be interesting to anyone who isn’t in my class (and it might not even be interesting in that context!)

When I look at all this that I’m posting, and realize that it’s about half of what I’ve got up too in the last 3 weeks, I realize: yeah, maybe I make too much stuff. But I like making stuff! It’s hard not to do something you like, you know? They say, do something you love and it’ll never feel like work! If only I could get paid for all this, you know?

Well, rant over. My next class starts in about 25 mins, so I should probably prepare. Thanks for reading these! Please check the main page periodically to see the comics I make, or follow on social media. I think I’ll stop updating this as a catch-all “here’s what I’ve made this week” and (once again) attempt to use this blog more intentionally as a place to deposit more thoughtful writing.


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